Cost of living, community profiles, climate, and more about living in Yalobusha County, Mississippi

Three charming small towns — Coffeeville, Oakland, and Water Valley — are the population centers of Yalobusha County.

While each community has its own distinctive flavor and appeal, they all share a welcoming atmosphere, a spirit of inclusiveness, home-town friendliness, and a comfortable pace of life. People care about each other and help friends and neighbors in times of need.

People feel safe and secure because of the low crime rate and good access to quality health care. Families thrive as a result of good schools, a variety of community activities, and access to excellent opportunities for outdoor recreation.


The median value of a house in Yalobusha County is $74,600 (2015).


Average temperature 61° F
Average maximum temperature  72.5° F
Average minimum temperature  49.6° F
Normal annual precipitation in inches 58.36

View the U.S. Climate Data page about Yalobusha's climate.

View the current weather conditions from The Weather Channel.
